Free Anti-Bullying Event
If you would like to attend this event please email devangroup@outlook.com to request a booking form. This is a FREE event open to...
NCS Volunteen Workshops
On Thursday & Friday this week I was asked to deliver workshops about bullying & social action as part of the Volunteen NCS programme....

Mental Health Education
Devan Witter says more understanding from a younger age could help tackle the growing issue, where 1 in every 3 schoolchildren have a...

Make a Noise about bullying
Anti-Bullying Week in England is coordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and will be from 16th - 20th November 2015. The theme is ‘Make...
Bullying & Mental Health
Today I am looking at the issue of Bullying & Mental Heath and the problems which they both have in common. Firstly bullying can have...

Why young people are #OurFuture Us young people tend to get a lot of bad press yet we are the people who are creating the future - we are...

Isn't bullying just part of growing up?
45% of young people are bullied before the age of 18 and some people believe that this is just part of growing up saying “it’s character...